Daily attendance by each child is necessary to ensure satisfactory progress. Therefore, parents must assume responsibility for the regular attendance of their children. Illness is automatically an acceptable reason for a child to be absent from school.
The College has a 24 hour answering machine for notifying the College of student absences as well as a dedicated email address. Please find these details below:
Middle and Senior School and 24 Hour Absentees
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 8381 0449
Junior School Absentees
Phone: 8381 0455
You are also able to use School Stream to notify the College when your child is sick and unable to make it to school. Select ‘Absentees’ from the menu and select ‘Absentee Form’. Complete and sign the eform and hit ‘submit’.
Parents are asked to use School Stream or telephone or email the College as soon as possible during the morning if their child is absent.
Where possible, medical, dental and specialist appointments should be made outside of school hours.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 should not attend the College for a five-day period (weekends are included in the five-day period). Students should only return to the College after five days if they have no symptoms. Thank you for respecting this request as we consider the health and well-being of all students and staff.
The Education and Children’s Services Act requires families wishing to take children out of school for more than five days and for any reason other than illness, (ie. for holidays) complete an ED175 Exemption Form. Persistent absenteeism will be followed up by the Head of the Junior School (for Junior School absentees), Year Level Managers and Tutors (for Middle School and Senior School absentees). Chronic absenteeism will be reported to the appropriate government agency.
Families of students who are absent from the College for whom no message has been received will be telephoned or sent an SMS message. Parents are asked not to reply to the College using the SMS number as messages cannot be retrieved from this number.
Junior School
If your child is late for school, please call into the Junior School Office to sign him/her in before they go to class. If your child has an appointment, please contact our Junior School Office explaining why your child will be late or leaving early on a particular day. You will need to come to the Junior School Office to sign your child in or out on the day. Similarly, children leaving early during the day must be collected from the Junior School Office. The class teacher will send your child to the office at the time stated in the message. If you need to come earlier or later than stated, please call the Junior School Office and we will notify the teacher of any change in plans.
The same applies if an emergency arises and you need to collect your child early.
Middle and Senior Schools
Middle and Senior School students who are late to school must report to the Student Services Office to sign in. Parents, if aware that the student will be late, should write a note. Persistent and unexplained lateness will be followed up by the Tutor and/or Head of Year.
Students who have medical (or other) appointments which require that they leave the College during the day must have an appropriate permission from a parent, or need to have contacted the Student Services Office. This note must be shown to the Tutor Teacher in the morning. When leaving (and returning), students must check in at the Student Services Office.
Early Learning Centre
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0422
Email: [email protected]
Junior School: Reception to Year 6
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0455
Email: [email protected]
Middle and Senior School: Year 7 to Year 12
Bains Road
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8322 2333
Email: [email protected]
ABN 93 970 982 732
CRICOS Provider Number 01645K