Friday 21 February 2025
9.00am for 9.15am start
Mark Porter Hall, Woodcroft College
You are invited to attend our Student Leader Commissioning.
Please use the form below to RSVP.
Early Learning Centre
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0422
Email: [email protected]
Junior School: Reception to Year 6
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0455
Email: [email protected]
Middle and Senior School: Year 7 to Year 12
Bains Road
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8322 2333
Email: [email protected]
ABN 93 970 982 732
CRICOS Provider Number 01645K