

Find Your Remarkable is much more than a whimsical turn of phrase. It is our promise to all members of the Woodcroft College community.

It is a very personal promise. It’s not about grandiosity or hubris. It’s about encouraging and guiding staff, students and our community to understand their potential.

And there are some key reasons why Woodcroft is in a wonderful position to deliver on this promise…

We create an environment where staff, students – and their parents – feel a strong sense of belonging. Because we know that a sense of belonging is deeply important to emotional health and personal wellbeing.

We form genuine partnerships. Because we are committed to deliver the best outcomes for all members of our community.

We offer a balanced curriculum and co-curriculum designed to uncover and nurture our students’ strengths. Ours is not a curriculum obsessed with ATAR and score cards.

Woodcroft is a modern school – young, energetic and future-focused. We are not shackled by the burden of history and tradition. We are creating our future.

And very importantly, Woodcroft College is right-sized. Not too big, not too small. Just right. Our goal will never be growth for growth’s sake. We will maintain the number of students and classes at each year level to support strong, social relationships and real connections.

“Find Your Remarkable is about encouraging and guiding staff, students
and our community to understand their potential.”

Inspire Confidence

At the very heart of Woodcroft College is a desire to inspire confidence in our students and each other. We support our students to be the best they can be. We help them develop a passion for life rather than a hunger for approval. And we provide an environment that builds character – mind, body and spirit. At Woodcroft, we want our students to join in, take risks and have a go. And this challenge also extends to our staff, as everyday we ask “who have I inspired today?”

Real Connection

Woodcroft is home to a close-knit community of educators, students and their families. In a world that has become increasingly disconnected, we pride ourselves on building genuine, lasting relationships. We respect these relationships because ours is a partnership and a contract with our community.  We are trusted to nourish those who look to us for knowledge and guidance.

And as colleagues, the relationships among staff at Woodcroft allow us to support and challenge each other, because the work we do matters.

Generous Spirit

As a school founded in the Anglican tradition of kindness and compassion, Woodcroft College is recognised for its spirit of generosity, social justice and service. We encourage our students to understand, accept and value each others’ differences without judgement. And we proudly display the virtues of natura and magnanimity – to be the very best version of ourselves – not just for yourself, but for others.

Keep Growing

A future-focused, growth mindset is a fundamental characteristic of healthy, happy individuals – and it is a central tenet for all at Woodcroft.  We provide a supportive environment which encourages students to embrace change and expand their horizons. We create space for young people to grow and learn through diverse experiences. And we provide them with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace their futures with grace and vigour.

As an Anglican school Woodcroft College has a commitment to providing an excellent all-round education in a Christian environment.

We believe in the teachings of Christ and in living with purpose, perseverance, selflessness, dignity and love.

Woodcroft College is a community of belonging. We welcome diversity, value inclusivity and demonstrate fairness, openness, empathy and respect for others.

Purpose and Character

Woodcroft College recognises the importance of living a life with purpose supported by the development of good character and values such as courage, integrity, loyalty and honesty. Opportunities are provided to help each person explore their unique strengths and talents while instilling lifelong values to guide choices and growth.

Perseverance and Faith

Our Woodcroft College crest includes the words ‘Persevere in Faith’. As part of our culture, a spirit of resilience and grit is fostered in our school community. We recognise faith as a personal experience built on hope. We provide a space to explore spirituality and what it means to be part of a community bound by common purpose and values.

Selflessness and Service

We encourage self-reflection and selflessness. Every member of our community is encouraged to go beyond their own concerns, to have empathy, to listen to others and to put others first. Serving others permeates all we do and individuals can experience personal growth as they reach out to help both local and far reaching communities.


Woodcroft College affirms the dignity and worth of all people in a community built on tolerance and inclusiveness. We acknowledge the teachings of Jesus that everyone is created equal.


Following the example of Jesus, love of self and for each other is encouraged. Building on a foundation of unconditional love, Woodcroft Colleges provides a safe space to experience God’s love, to be heard, to explore other opinions with openness and respect. Love creates a space for kindness, acceptance and forgiveness.

To view our full 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan, please click the link below.

Contact Us

Early Learning Centre
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0422
Email: [email protected]

Junior School: Reception to Year 6
Farnsworth Drive
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8381 0455
Email: [email protected]

Middle and Senior School: Year 7 to Year 12
Bains Road
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 8322 2333
Email: [email protected]

We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we gather, honouring their deep, enduring connection to Country.

We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, whose wisdom guides us in caring for this land. Committed to walking gently, we pledge to listen, learn, and grow together, fostering respect for the spiritual significance of this place.

ABN 93 970 982 732
CRICOS Provider Number 01645K